Comfort food does the trick, sometimes.

You know those days when it feels like folks conspire to give you all the bad news at once? Well, that was one of my days last week.

I think lately, especially, I’ve been having a lot of doubts and regrets about my financial decisions and circumstances. My emotions are a bit muddled, and a lot of what I’m feeling traces back to childhood memories and experiences of instability and insecurity.

Should have, could have and would have seem to be on replay in my thoughts, lately. But I’m trying to find peace with what is, and rather than spiral into worrying about things I have no control of, or worse, creating negative scenarios in my head that keep me up at night, I am trying to ground myself and focus only on what my next step is.

And the next step was to nurture myself and create some comfort to settle my emotions. During this time of year, one of my favorite comfort meals is creamy tomato & basil soup with grilled cheese. I decided I would use some of the delicious tomatoes I harvested and canned over the summer.

I looked up a couple of recipes and combined the best of both. I discovered that if you add carrots and potatoes to the soup, it makes the soup hardy and rich without having to add cream, which sometimes can leave you feeling heavy. This was my first time making tomato soup from scratch, and it was especially joyful to make it with tomatoes I had harvested from my garden.

I also accompanied the meal with the first batch of aguacates from our tree. Rather than worry or anxiety, making this meal made me feel a great deal of gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity I have to co-create with Tlalli Nantli (Mother Earth), and for this new love I have found through farming and gardening.

2 thoughts on “Comfort food does the trick, sometimes.

  1. It’s nice knowing that the soup helped you feel a little better. I too love homemade soups. I’ll try this one the next time I make some. And you are right about the carrots and potatoes making soup more richer and creamy. I added carrots and rice to the lentil soup I made this week and it did make it more creamy and richer.

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